About Denver Neurofeedback Training Co.

neurofeedback training denver

At our Neurofeedback Training Co. Denver location, we provide NeurOptimal® home system rentals, equipment for sale and in-office sessions in Boulder, CO.

Headquartered in NYC with affiliates in Denver and Boulder, Colorado, as well as LA, California and Oregon, Neurofeedback Training Co. has been providing NeurOptimal sessions and rentals since 2011.

Meet Your Denver Neurofeedback Trainer Kim Planansky

Kim Planansky, neurofeedback training company trainer

Certified NeurOptimal Neurofeedback Trainer and Rental Manager Coach (Mid-West Region)

Kim completed her master’s degree in industrial/organizational psychology and worked in the management consulting field for over 15 years, primarily analyzing and reporting on personality assessment data for employee selection and development purposes.

She took a break from the corporate world following a series of challenging life events and began researching ways to manage stress and live a healthier lifestyle. That is when she discovered and started using NeurOptimal® neurofeedback.

The sessions offered so many positive benefits for herself and her family members that she decided to change careers, become a certified trainer and focus on sharing the gift of neurofeedback with others. She manages home system rentals throughout the Midwest region and is happy to help with any questions individuals may have as they embark on their own transformation journeys.

Ready to Rent? Request a home system

Meet Our Colorado NeurOptimal Trainers Jennifer and Joy

We have partnered with two Colorado Neurofeedback Trainers in Denver and Boulder.

Denver Neurofeedback Trainer Jennifer Tierney

After being introduced to NeurOptimal Dynamical Neurofeedback and having participated in regular sessions, Jennifer became a believer and avid supporter of the system and process. So much so, that she decided to become certified and start a neurofeedback practice, leaving behind a life as a senior executive in the corporate world. Jennifer wanted to move beyond the stressful environment she felt had become her “normal” realizing, thru the use of NeurOptimal sessions, that this was possible. She has always been drawn to helping others, being involved in the community, and doing something she loves and believes in. Now her goal is to help everyone feel their best and to be the best version of themselves.  

Schedule a Session in Denver

Boulder Neurofeedback Trainer Joy Om

NeurOptimal neurofeedback trainer Joy has a B.A. in Psychology and is a graduate degree in Special Education. Besides being a Certified Zengar Neurofeedback Practitioner she is also a Certified Advanced Rolfer (33 years) and a registered Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral Therapist.

Schedule a Session in Boulder

About NeurOptimal®

neuroptimal rental system

NeurOptimal® neurofeedback is a brain training system using real-time data about the brain’s activity to support improving mental and emotional fitness.

NeurOptimal® is the only Dynamical® neurofeedback on the market that is fully automated.  It has been used by wellness professionals for over 15 years.

How Does NeurOptimal® Work?

neurofeedback training session for a child

The software works on the premise that the individual brain is its own expert, which has been confirmed in neuroscience with discoveries surrounding neuroplasticity and neurogenesis:  give the brain good data and it will use that information to optimize.  Why?  Because the brain is designed to continuously look for information that will create greater energy efficiency while still making effective decisions.

The neurofeedback software uses mathematical calculations that translate the brain’s main communication, electrical impulses, into brain waves frequencies.  The data is collected through EEG sensors pasted to the sides of the head and clipped to the ears.  These sensors only collect information, nothing goes back to the brain through the wires.  The neurofeedback software collects 256 data points per second and at the exact millisecond that the brain’s electrical patterns change, feedback is given.

The feedback is given through micro-interruptions in music that plays during the brain training session.  The brain’s natural way to keep track of changes in the environment is through listening.  This is not the listening we do when we’re concentrating on sound, it’s the passive listening that’s always happening. For example, the listening that wakes us up when a child whispers “Mom” when we’re sound asleep.

The alerting process that happens throughout the training session is a precisely timed back-and-forth dynamic process that happens between the brain and the software.  When alerted, the brain can pay attention to what is habitual in itself.  The brain is an information processing center designed to optimize its use of energy and make the best decisions. The key to optimizing its functioning is having good, real-time information.

What does optimization look and feel like?  Because the brain is involved in a lot of different areas of functioning (sleep, cognitive skills, memory, mood, our reactions to stressors, language, and the list goes on….), we can create shifts in a number of areas when we train our brains.

Clients often focus on just one or two goals but because NeurOptimal® is designed to target overall functioning, you can see changes even in areas where you weren’t expecting them.

Neurofeedback Training Options

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